Last Update 21/3/2025- April Meeting
April 2025 Bird Show
The April meeting the the NBS will be a 2025 rung bird competition with the judge(s) giving an explanation talk on the final outcomes.
It is a DEFRA requirement that all fanciers bring birds are registered and have thier CPH number. The NBS will have entry forms at the event which will need to be completed and signed, including the CPH Number. Any birds without the necessary number will NOT be permitted entry.
We look forward to a good entry and hopefully see some of this years young bird winners in advance of the open shows.
Many Thanks Brian

Open and SRV Show Dates for 2025
Our 2025 Open show date has been mover back two weeks and will now be on week 28, the 13th July 2025. Judges are Bev Hutt, Graham Barton, John Punchard and Robbie Keeber.
Special and Rare Variety show date - September 14th 2025. Judges to be annouced soon.
Judges engaged are Ian Clarke and Adrian Richards
Our meetings are held on the first Sunday in every month,
commencing at 2-30p.m.
at the
Bowburn Community Centre,
Durham Road,
Our Secretary & Treasurer
Kevin Batey 37a Cornmoor Road,
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE16 4PU
mobile phone 07912294588
Contact Kevin for membership details
NBS Hand Books have now ALL been posted or handed out, if you haven't received one please let the secretary know and one will be posted.
We've also included schedules for both our Area Open Show and Specialist and Rare Open Show in most of the envelopes, again if you require one please let the show secretary (Brian) know on 07949 604847 or
Many thanks

What are the benefits of joining us?
The chance of meeting other breeders and exhibitors in your own area.
Monthly meetings with guest speakers
Members handbook out in May
Your own ring number.(personalised if required)
Help available when needed.
An area to look for information on societies local to yourself.