NBS Logo Established 1937
Site for people interested in budgerigars
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2024 NBS Show Results
Meeting Reports
Open NBS Meeting Reports
The Budgerigar Society
BS Club Show 2024 - POSTPONED
Open Show 2023
NBS SRV Show 2023
Dinner Dance Club Show 2023
Rules and Conditions for Open show
The John Herring Memorial Golden Bird Award
Golden Bird
BS Main Panel Judges in NBS Area
Local Judges
Past Presidents of the Northern Budgerigar Society
NBS Panel
Panel of members of NBS
NBS Hall Of Fame (40 years service) & Honorary Life Members (30 years service)
Patronage Rules
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Garden Feathers. Boldon Colliery,Co.Durham
Open Day 2023
Mentors for Novices
Council Meetings 2023
Council meetings 2022
NBS Open Show 2022
Council Meetings 2024
NBS members
Sunderland BS
Gateshead & Newcastle BS
Darlington & Spennymoor BS
2025 NBS Officals and Council Members
List of NBS Council members and society officials

Council Meetings 2024

Present. D.Cairns, P.Redford, B.Batey, K.Batey, D.Harrison, K.Allison, G.Clark, J.Rogers. J.Melling, S.McFaddon.
Apologies. I.Cooper. D.Rowell.
Previous minutes.
Minutes from the November 2023 Council meeting had been circulated and were accepted as a true record.
Matters arising from minutes.
There were no matters arising not covered by the agenda.
K.Batey advised that he had received a reply from the B.S. stating that the N.B.S. had 9 members via the dual
membership scheme and would receive £45.
They were however unable to confirm the members names.
Finance /Secretaries Report.
Flex Account. 6990.50
Cash in hand. 119.60
Cheque. 13.00
Total. £ 7123.10.
This was accepted.
Draft copies of the 2023 accounts were handed out and were ready for auditing.
New Members;
No new members.
Speakers for 2024 and meetings.
Discussions took place for meeting dates and speakers for 2024.
After discussion the following was agreed;
1. No meetings for July and August.
2. Suggested names for speakers included;
M.Jarrold, White Rose Partnership, R.Melling, J.Bird, G.Bowley, R.Hughes.
3. October – Auction.
A full list of speakers was to be compiled.
3. Social meeting for December.
Social Secretary Report.
In the absence of a Social Secretary, this item is now covered in the general meeting report.
Sp and Rare Show 2024. Present. D.Cairns, P.Redford, B.Batey, K.Batey, D.Harrison, K.Allison, G.Clark, J.Rogers. J.Melling, S.McFaddon.
Apologies. I.Cooper. D.Rowell.
Previous minutes.
Minutes from the November 2023 Council meeting had been circulated and were accepted as a true rec
The Show Hall was to be booked for the 15 th September, 2024.
Judges are Ghalib and Janice Al Nasser.
The same patronage as for 2023 was being provided by the B.S.
Open Show 2024.
To be discussed at future meeting but a booking would be made for the 30 th June 2024.
Suggested names for judges included,
T and L.Dukes, Bowker, J.Newall.
D.Harrison gave an update on patronages.
Open Day. 2024.
Date for 2024 Open Day. 12 th May 2024.
A.Marchant has accepted the invitation to attend.
A deposit has been paid for the hotel booking.  
It is to be discussed whether a second speaker will be required.
Publicity Report.
The Chairman still had to visit B.Ross to gain more insight into the web-site etc.
B.Batey and G.Clark would take over the running of the site.
Discussions took place on the facebook site.
There was concern that the rules needed to be updated and that Council members should be sent a copy of the current
rules and to send any suggested changes to the Secretary.
Help was to be sought on how to manage the site properly.
B.Batey advised that it would be better if the show schedules were separate from the Year Book.
In an attempt to save on the number of books printed, and associated costs, the membership list should be perused for
members no longer with us or who do not now keep/show birds.
Any local Society information must be sent to the N.B.S. Secretary as soon as possible after January 1 st , 2024.
(or immediately after the local society A.G.M.)
It was also discussed as to whether local society information could be sent out using a “shared envelope scheme”.
1. D.Harrison had received a call regarding show entry fees and payments.
This being that all entries should be paid for at shows.
This was to be considered by Council for the N.B.S. shows.
2. B.Batey seeking advice on changes to the classification for colour budgerigars.
3. B .Batey advised that P.Redford had contacted Garden Feathers re supplying vouchers for raffle prizes.
They had agreed and the N.B.S. would purchase 6, plus one complimentary from Garden Feathers.
4. It was reported that R.Ford had offered to give a further pair of budgerigars, once arrangements could be made.
5. B.Batey asked if the points award winners had been invited to attend the A.G.M.
6. B.Batey advised that he had not confirmed the nomination for the Golden Bird award.
He confirmed that the nomination for Sandra and Diane Wilson was accepted.


Present. D.Cairns, P.Redford, B.Batey, K.Batey, D.Harrison, K.Allison, G.Clark, J.Rogers. J.Melling, S.McFaddon.
Apologies. I.Cooper. D.Rowell.
Previous minutes.
Minutes from the November 2023 Council meeting had been circulated and were accepted as a true record.
Matters arising from minutes.
There were no matters arising not covered by the agenda.
K.Batey advised that he had received a reply from the B.S. stating that the N.B.S. had 9 members via the dual
membership scheme and would receive £45.
They were however unable to confirm the members names.
Finance /Secretaries Report.
Flex Account. 6990.50
Cash in hand. 119.60
Cheque. 13.00
Total. £ 7123.10.
This was accepted.
Draft copies of the 2023 accounts were handed out and were ready for auditing.
New Members;
No new members.
Speakers for 2024 and meetings.
Discussions took place for meeting dates and speakers for 2024.
After discussion the following was agreed;
1. No meetings for July and August.
2. Suggested names for speakers included;
M.Jarrold, White Rose Partnership, R.Melling, J.Bird, G.Bowley, R.Hughes.
3. October – Auction.
A full list of speakers was to be compiled.
3. Social meeting for December.
Social Secretary Report.
In the absence of a Social Secretary, this item is now covered in the general meeting report.
Sp and Rare Show 2024. Present. D.Cairns, P.Redford, B.Batey, K.Batey, D.Harrison, K.Allison, G.Clark, J.Rogers. J.Melling, S.McFaddon.
Apologies. I.Cooper. D.Rowell.
Previous minutes.
Minutes from the November 2023 Council meeting had been circulated and were accepted as a true rec
The Show Hall was to be booked for the 15 th September, 2024.
Judges are Ghalib and Janice Al Nasser.
The same patronage as for 2023 was being provided by the B.S.
Open Show 2024.
To be discussed at future meeting but a booking would be made for the 30 th June 2024.
Suggested names for judges included,
T and L.Dukes, Bowker, J.Newall.
D.Harrison gave an update on patronages.
Open Day. 2024.
Date for 2024 Open Day. 12 th May 2024.
A.Marchant has accepted the invitation to attend.
A deposit has been paid for the hotel booking.  
It is to be discussed whether a second speaker will be required.
Publicity Report.
The Chairman still had to visit B.Ross to gain more insight into the web-site etc.
B.Batey and G.Clark would take over the running of the site.
Discussions took place on the facebook site.
There was concern that the rules needed to be updated and that Council members should be sent a copy of the current
rules and to send any suggested changes to the Secretary.
Help was to be sought on how to manage the site properly.
B.Batey advised that it would be better if the show schedules were separate from the Year Book.
In an attempt to save on the number of books printed, and associated costs, the membership list should be perused for
members no longer with us or who do not now keep/show birds.
Any local Society information must be sent to the N.B.S. Secretary as soon as possible after January 1 st , 2024.
(or immediately after the local society A.G.M.)
It was also discussed as to whether local society information could be sent out using a “shared envelope scheme”.
1. D.Harrison had received a call regarding show entry fees and payments.
This being that all entries should be paid for at shows.
This was to be considered by Council for the N.B.S. shows.
2. B.Batey seeking advice on changes to the classification for colour budgerigars.
3. B .Batey advised that P.Redford had contacted Garden Feathers re supplying vouchers for raffle prizes.
They had agreed and the N.B.S. would purchase 6, plus one complimentary from Garden Feathers.
4. It was reported that R.Ford had offered to give a further pair of budgerigars, once arrangements could be made.
5. B.Batey asked if the points award winners had been invited to attend the A.G.M.
6. B.Batey advised that he had not confirmed the nomination for the Golden Bird award.
He confirmed that the nomination for Sandra and Diane Wilson was accepted.

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