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Council meetings 2022

Present.        B.Batey, D.Cairns, K.Batey, D.Harrison, P.Redford, I.Cooper, G.Clark, K.Allison.                
Apologies.     K.Kime, D.Rowell, P.Watts, B.Grainger, B.Ross, J.Lund, A.Lovack.
Previous minutes.  
Minutes of a Council meeting held on the 15th November 2021, were circulated.
Matters Arising. 
There were no matters arising from the minutes. 
From the B.S. asking for names of members who would stand as mentors within the fancy.
This would be brought up at the A.G.M.
C & E. Vasey.
Council agreed to this application.
OPEN-SHOW-2022                                                                                                                                                             It was agreed that we hold an Open Show on week no. 37, September 2022. (18.9.22)
After discussion the following names were suggested for judges.
Tuplin, P.Reaney, K.Brockwell, plus one local judge on standby.
A decision as to whether an additional judge would be needed would be taken once the final entry numbers were known.
D.Harrison gave an update on patronages applied for for 2022.
A nomination for the position of Social Secretary was still needed.
This would be raised at the A.G.M.
There were two nominations for members achieving H.L.M.
G.Carr, P.Watts.
These members would be asked to attend the A.G.M, if possible.
There was no nomination for the Long Service award.
Council had one nomination to present to the A.G.M. for the Golden Bird award.
SP and RARE SHOW                                                          D.Herring and D.Rowell to judge this show. (T.B.C)
Herring had advised that he could not confirm to do this at present, but would be happy to stay as a reserve.
Other nomninations A.Richards and J.Bowey.
(Since this meeting J.Bowey and D.Herring have turned down the invitation 
A.Richards has been asked and has accepted)                  
A volunteer was still needed to update/monitor the web-site.
Batey advised that anyone wishing to publish any information should send it to B.Ross.
FACEBOOK.                                                                                                                                                                                         In discussion, there was general concern that Facebook was not representitive of the needs of the Society.                                                                                                                                  Again, Kyle Kime would be offered help to manage this.                                                                                                       Gayle again offered to assist as she is a regular user of facebook.
B.Batey agreed to contact K.Kime to discuss.
                                                                                                                                                           B.S. DISCIPLINARY PANEL.                                                                                                                      Members may be aware that the B.S. were changing how disciplinary panels would be formed, and had asked the N.B.S. for the names of 2 representitives.                                         D.Rowell and D.Cairns had volunteered for this.
    Flex. Account.      8347.29.
    Cash.               40.12.
Total.            £8387.41.
K.Batey advised that the finances remained good and that Council would need to consider how we could use this to the benefit of the members. 
A draft copy of the 2021 balance sheet was circulated for discussion.
Discussion took place as to the programme for 2022.
Feb. A.G.M. and P.Redford.  March. S.Holland. (T.B.C)  April. Young bird show.  May. T.B.C.
June. Open day, subject to date change, possible P.Reaney and D.Woan.  July, Sp and Rare Show.
August. T.B.C.  September. Open Show 18th.  October. Auction.  November. J.Bird. (T.B.C)
Dec. G.&J Al Nasser.
These would be confirmed once arranged. (Reserves J.Muir, Scotland)
Members would be asked at the A.G.M. to nominate possible speakers. 
OPEN DAY 2022.
It was agreed that the Open Day would be held on one of the regular Sunday meeting dates.
Two speakers would be invited for a whole day event.
Batey suggested, that, as there was no Yearbook editor, a series of newsletters could be planned.
P.Redford volunteered to produce the newsletters. 
These would help to promote local Societies and could be placed on facebook and the web-site.
Hard copies e-mails to be available to anyone requesting them.   There was no other business raised.



Present.        B.Batey, D.Cairns, K.Batey, D.Harrison, P.Redford, K.Allison.                
Apologies.     K.Kime, D.Rowell, I.Cooper, B.Grainger, J.Lund, P.Watts, G.Clark.
Previous minutes.  
Minutes of a Council meeting held on the 17th January, were circulated.
Matters Arising. 
There were no matters arising from the minutes. 
None received.
New Members. 
No new members.
It was asked if the B.S. notify new members of details for their local Area Society.
We were to contact the B.S. for an answer.
OPEN-SHOW-2022                                                                                                                                                             It was agreed that we hold an Open Show on week no. 37, September 2022. (18.9.22)
After discussion the following names were suggested for judges.
Tuplin, P.Reaney, K.Brockwell, plus one local judge on standby.
A decision as to whether an additional judge would be needed would be taken once the final entry numbers were known.
After discussion it was agreed that ring scheme prize money for 2022 would be;
£15, £10, £5, £3. (£33 per section)
Harrison gave an update on patronages applied for for 2022.
Social Secretary.
This was raised at the A.G.M, with there being no volunteer.
SP and Rare Show.                                                                    A.Richards and D.Rowell to judge this show. (T.B.C)
A volunteer was still needed to update/monitor the web-site.
B.Batey advised that anyone wishing to publish any information should send it to B.Ross.
Facebook.                                                                                                                                                                                         In discussion, there was general concern that Facebook was not representitive of the needs of the Society.                                                                                                                                  Again, Kyle Kime would be offered help to manage this.                                                                                                       Gayle again offered to assist as she is a regular user of facebook.                                      B.Batey agreed to contact K.Kime to discuss.                                                                                                                                                           
Finance/Secretarial Report.
    Flex. Account.      7778.29.
    Cash.               58.57.
Total.            £7836.86.
Discussion took place as to the programme for 2022.
Feb. A.G.M. and P.Redford.  March. A.Richards.  April. Young bird show.  May. T.B.C.
June. Open day, subject to date change, possible P.Reaney and D.Woan.  July, Sp and Rare Show.
August. Inter club show.  September. T.B.C. Open Show 18th.  October. Auction.  November. J.Bird. (T.B.C)
Dec. G.&J Al Nasser.
These would be confirmed once arranged. (Reserves J.Muir, Scotland)
Members would be asked at the A.G.M. to nominate possible speakers. 
Open Day 2022.
It was agreed that the Extended/ Day meeting would be held on one of the regular Sunday meeting dates.
Two speakers would be invited for a whole day event.
To avoid any clashes with the Royal Platinum Jubilee, a new date of the 12th June 2022 was agreed.
P. Reaney was to be invited with and/or D.Woan.
Other suggested speakers were S.Wildes and D.Sturzaker.
A starting time was suggested of 1-00pm with a 4.pm finish.
News letters.
P.Redford circulated copies of the first newsletter/booklet.
These would be handed out to members, new members listed in the B.S. Budgerigar for the Area, and posted if requested.
They would be printed with a glossy cover at a cost of £159.
Discussion took place on the viability of having insurance to cover all shows.
The renewal cost was not now considered realistic.
P.Redford was to enquire as to how Gatesdead B.S. got in touch with the B.S./N.C.A. on insurance cover.
D.Cairns - raised the issue of which show would receive Gold B.S. Patronage for 2023.
As this had previously been decided as the N.E.N, then this decision would stand.
B.Batey - advising that we write to Carlisle B.S. asking if they would like the N.B.S. to once again host a meeting in their Area.
Previous meetings had been reasonably well attended but we were unsure as to how the hobby stood at this point in time in the Carlisle Area.
B.Batey - H.L.M. award for P.Watts to be presented at March meeting.
K.Batey - advising that the new show cages ordered would be forwarded to us via A.Richards.
B.Batey would then collect from A.Richards.
It was still to be decided on the best way of using the cages re raffles, show prizes etc.
                                                                                                                                                           NEXT COUNCIL MEETING  -  MONDAY 21st MARCH 2022.

Present.        B.Batey, D.Cairns, K.Batey, D.Harrison, P.Redford, K.Allison.                
Apologies.     K.Kime, D.Rowell, I.Cooper, B.Grainger, J.Lund, P.Watts, G.Clark.
Previous minutes.  
Minutes of a Council meeting held on the 21st February, were circulated.
Matters Arising.                                                                          
Omitted from minutes Junior Ring Prize money £5 and £2.
 From the B.S. asking for the Societies views on holding a judges training day.
   It was suggested that this could be combined with another Area Society.
   After discussion the N.B.S. was to contact the S.B.S. to obtain their views.
   There was some concern that with a differing number of judges taking part, that there would be inconsistency across the meetings.
New Members. 
No new members.
It had been asked if the B.S. notify new members of details for their local Area Society.
The reply was that they do not.
We are therefore going to contact those members who have joined the B.S. from within our Area.
Possibly going back over the last 5 issues of The Budgerigar for their details.
OPEN-SHOW-2022                                                                                                                                                             It was agreed that we hold an Open Show on week no. 37, September 2022. (18.9.22)
After discussion the following names were suggested for judges.
Tuplin, P.Reaney, K.Brockwell, plus one local judge on standby.
A decision as to whether an additional judge would be needed would be taken once the final entry numbers were known.
After discussion it was agreed that ring scheme prize money for 2022 would be;
£15, £10, £5, £3. (£33 per section) Juniors £5 and £2.
Harrison gave an update on patronages applied for for 2022.
The show patronages would be subject to discussion at the April Council meeting.
Social Secretary.
This was raised at the A.G.M, with there being no volunteer.
SP and Rare Show.                                                                    A.Richards and D.Rowell to judge this show. (T.B.C)
This show would be the subject of discussion at the April meeting.
A volunteer was still needed to update/monitor the web-site.
B.Batey advised that anyone wishing to publish any information should send it to B.Ross.
Facebook.                                                                                                                                                                                         In discussion, there was general concern that Facebook was not representitive of the needs of the Society.                                                                                                                                  Again, Kyle Kime would be offered help to manage this.                                                                                                       Gayle again offered to assist as she is a regular user of facebook.                                      B.Batey agreed to contact K.Kime to discuss.                                                                                                                                                           
Finance/Secretarial Report.
    Flex. Account.      7778.29.
    Cash.               54.07.
Total.            £7832.36.
Discussion took place as to the programme for 2022.
Feb. A.G.M. and P.Redford.  March. A.Richards.  April. Young bird show.  May. T.B.C.
June. Open day, subject to date change, possible P.Reaney and D.Woan.  July, Sp and Rare Show.
August. Inter club show.  September. T.B.C. Open Show 18th.  October. Auction.  November. J.Bird. (T.B.C)
Dec. G.&J Al Nasser.
These would be confirmed once arranged. (Reserves J.Muir, Scotland)
Due to Bird Flu restrictions by DEFRA, it would not be possible to hold the Young Bird show in April.
This could be rescheduled for May or June DEFRA restrictions permitting.
Open Day 2022.
It was agreed that the Extended/ Day meeting would be held on one of the regular Sunday meeting dates.
Two speakers would be invited for a whole day event.
To avoid any clashes with the Royal Platinum Jubilee, a new date of the 12th June 2022 was agreed.
P. Reaney was to be invited but due to family issues it would not be appropriate to do so.
Other suggested speakers were S.Wildes, G.Bowley.
Alternatively the President Elect of the B.S, C.Snell, could be invited, with P.Reaney to be re-invited for 2023.
A starting time was suggested of 1-00pm with a 4.pm finish.
News letters.
P.Redford circulated copies of the first newsletter/booklet.
These would be handed out to members, new members listed in the B.S. Budgerigar for the Area, and posted if requested.
They would be printed with a glossy cover at a cost of £159.
Discussion took place on the viability of having insurance to cover all shows.
The renewal cost was not now considered realistic.
Redford had contacted Gateshead B.S. who had obtained their own cover.
We need to reconsider what cover we need to purchase.
B.Batey - brought a new Show Cage for inspection.
Due to their cost we needed to consider how these would be used.
Batey - suggesting that at the Sunday meetings any business should be discussed at the start if the meeting.
This was because those attending tended to leave the meeting when the speaker was finished and did not seem interested in any updates.
Batey - confirming that the N.B.S had proposed two judges for the B.S. 2023 Club Show.
J.Bowey and D,Herring.
                                                                                                                                                           NEXT COUNCIL MEETING  -  MONDAY 18th APRIL 2022.

Minutes of Council meeting 18th April 2022

Present. B.Batey, K.Batey, P.Redford, K.Allison, G.Clark.
Apologies. D.Cairns.
Previous minutes.
Minutes of the March meeting had been circulated.
Matters Arising.
There were no matters arising from the minutes.
  1. From P.Reaney advising that due to family commitments he had to withdraw as a judge for the Open Show.

  2. The secretary was asked to write to the B.S. for further information about the proposed joint membership scheme.

  3. C.Snell has accepted the invitation to attend the June Open Day meeting.

New Members.
No new members.
OPEN-SHOW-2022 It was agreed that we hold an Open Show on week no. 37, September 2022. (18.9.22)
After discussion the following names were suggested for judges.
Tuplin, K.Brockwell, plus one local judge on standby.
A decision as to whether an additional judge would be needed would be taken once the final entry numbers were known.
After discussion it was agreed that ring scheme prize money for 2022 would be;
£15, £10, £5, £3. (£33 per section) Juniors £5 and £2.
No update.
Social Secretary.
This was raised at the A.G.M, with there being no volunteer.
SP and Rare Show. A.Richards and D.Rowell to judge this show. (T.B.C)
D.Harrison was to be asked to confirm changes to the classification for the show.
Entry fees remain at 60p. per bird, maximum of £6.00.
Prize money of £5. per cc. N.B.S. members only.
No best in show.
Rosette for each Best of Colour.
A volunteer was still needed to update/monitor the web-site.
B.Batey advised that anyone wishing to publish any information should send it to B.Ross.
Facebook. In discussion, there was general concern that Facebook was not representitive of the needs of the Society. Again, Kyle Kime would be offered help to manage this. Gayle again offered to assist as she is a regular user of facebook. B.Batey agreed to contact K.Kime to discuss.
Finance/Secretarial Report.
Flex. Account. 7664.29.
Cash. 188.47.
Total. £7852.76.
Discussion took place as to the programme for 2022.
July, Sp and Rare Show.
August. Table show 2022 rung birds. September. T.B.C. Open Show 18th. October. Auction. November. J.Bird. (T.B.C)
Dec. G.&J Al Nasser.
These would be confirmed once arranged. (Reserves J.Muir, Scotland)
August Meeting 2022.
This would be a table show for 2022 B.S. owner rung birds.
No limit on entries.
Number of sections to be decided on day depending on number of entries.
Discussion took place on how we could attract/increase attendance at meetings.
It was agreed that as from 1st May 2022, a new incentive to be introduced.
Any member attending at least 4 of the remaining Open Meetings for 2022 would have free membership for 2023.
It is planned to have the N.B.S. stand at the B.S. Club Show in September.
There was no further business.


Minutes of the meeting held on the 21st   June 2022.

Present.  B.Batey, K.Batey, D.Rowell, D.Cairns, I.Cooper, K.Allison, D.Harrison, P.Redford.
Apologies.  G.Clark, J.Lund.
Previous minutes.
These had been circulated and were accepted as a true record.
Matters arising from minutes.
B.S.  A reply needed to be sent to B.S. re the joint membership proposal.
(After discussion it was agreed the we support this proposal)
C.S.  Asking if we were to have our stand at the 2022 Club Show.
(It was agreed that we would have the stand at the Club Show)
Finance/Secretaries report.
K.Batey reported;
Accounts.   7672.29.
C.I.H.             286.79.
Total.          7959.08.
Accounts accepted.
New members.
S.Smith,  Darlington.
Speakers 2022.
It was confirmed that J.Prothero would be the speaker at the September meeting.
August meeting – knockout competition, 2022 birds.
The prize would be a renovated show cage.
Social Secretary report – nothing further to report.
Show Secretary report.
Open Show. - 
Judging to start at 9.15 prompt.
Entries accepted 8.00 to 9.00.
(It may be possible to erect staging on night before Show)
S.Devaney to be contacted to replace P.Reaney as judge.
Other names – J.Bowey, P.Smith.
Prize money agreed;
Y.B sections, £20, £10, £8, £6. (Prize money to 4th place only)
Junior.  £3, £2, £1.
A/A  sections,  £10, £6, £4.
It was agreed that the Facebook should be used to promote all society shows for 2022.
Sp and Rare Show.
Help would be needed on show day.
Caution needed to be kept on bird flu situation.
Show manager to be given catalogue.
Patronage Secretary report.
D.Harrison  gave a patronage report/update.
Facebook continues to be monitored until a volunteer comes forward.
K.Batey – reported that there had been no interest shown in holding a meeting in the West of our area.
K.Batey – advising that cage renovations continue.
October meeting – discussion deferred until next meeting.




Present.         D.Cairns,  P.Redford, B.Batey, K.Batey, D.Harrison, G.Clark, K.Allison, G.Carr.
.Apologies.   J.Lund, I.Cooper.
Previous minutes.
These had been circulated and were accepted as a true record. 
 Matters arising from minutes.
There were no matters arising not covered by the agenda.
No correspondence. 
Finance /Secretaries Report.
Flex Account.           7968.93.
Cash in hand.             174.35. 
          Total.           £ 8143.28.
New Members;
No new members.
D.Cairns asked whether we had received any further update from the B.S. re the joint membership proposals.
K.Batey replied we had not.
This was considered to be a very poor response from the B.S. as they were already updating members on the B.S. web site.
K.Allison also raised the issue of which members qualified for the incentive offered by the N.B.S. for attending meetings, and, will this continue in 2023.
K.Batey said we will need to wait until January 2023 before any list can be completed.
Speakers for 2022.
December meeting – Janice Al Nasser.
Speakers 2023.
Discussions were ongoing for speakers in 2023.
Social Secretary Report.
In the absence of a Social Secretary, this item is now covered in the general meeting report. 
Show Secretary Report.
Specialist and Rare Show 2022.
A list of show/dates for 2023 was circulated.
After discussion it was agreed that the Sp and Rare show date would be wk no. 37. (Sunday)
(This was the original date for the Open Show)
Open Show 2022. 
After discussion it was agreed to move the date for the Open Show to the 2nd July 2023.
Due to local Societies possibly changing Patronage Secretaries, we needed to contact them and advise on the N.B.S. Patronage available.
They would have to apply as per the N.B.S. Patronage rules.
Honorary Life Members 2023. (members with 30 years of membership or proposed otherwise)
K.Batey advised that he thought J.Prothero qualified for 2023.
He would however check the members list for anyone else.
Golden Bird Award.
Members were asked for nominations from Council which would be discussed at the January meeting.
President Elect. (2023)
G.Carr, representing Sunderland B.S. nominated H.Wind.
Open Day.
To progress.
A date for the 6th May was proposed, but this may coincide with the Royal events.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Publicity  Report. 
No further update.
K.Kime was to be contacted for an update.
There was no further business raised.   
NEXT MEETING MONDAY 16th January, 2023.


Present.         D.Cairns,  P.Redford, K.Batey, D.Harrison,  K.Allison, K,Featherstone, G.Pringle
.Apologies.   J.Lund, I.Cooper, B.Batey, G,Clark, I.Cooper, D.Rowell. G.Carr.
Previous minutes.
These had been circulated and were accepted as a true record. 
 Matters arising from minutes.
There were no matters arising not covered by the agenda.
The Secretary had received correspondence from Bowburn Community Centre re proposed room price increases.
Finance /Secretaries Report.
Flex Account.           7911.43.
Cash in hand.             371.15. 
          Total.           £ 8282.58.
New Members;
No new members.
K.Allison raised the issue of which members qualified for the incentive offered by the N.B.S. for attending meetings, and, will this continue in 2023.
K.Batey said we will need to wait until January 2023 before any list can be completed.
Initial views were that the incentive had not attracted many, if any, additional members attending.
One suggestion put forward was that the free subscription should be based on exhibiting at shows, rather than attending meetings.
A.G.M 2023. 
A discussion took place as to how the H.L.M. Certificates would be given out.
The Secretary was to write out and ask if any of the recipients would be attending the A.G.M.
Speakers 2023.
Discussions were ongoing for speakers in 2023.
R.Clements would be the speaker at the February meeting.
Social Secretary Report.
In the absence of a Social Secretary, this item is now covered in the general meeting report. 
Show Secretary Report.
Specialist and Rare Show 2023.
After discussion it was agreed that the Sp and Rare show date would be wk no. 37. (Sunday)
(This was the original date for the Open Show)
Suggested names for judges were N.Beevers and D.Critchlow.
No applications were to be made for Sp and Rare Society patronages.
Rosettes with each colour printed on the tails would be on offer.
Open Show 2023. 
After discussion it was agreed to move the date for the Open Show to the 2nd July 2023.
No applications were to be made for Sp and Rare Society patronages.
The normal rosettes for the N.B.S. would be on offer.
Judges would be;  G.Findlay, R.Staig, D.Cairns, plus one further name.
Due to local Societies possibly changing Patronage Secretaries, we needed to contact them and advise on the N.B.S. Patronage available, and how to apply for it.
They would have to apply as per the N.B.S. Patronage rules.
Honorary Life Members 2023. (members with 30 years of membership or proposed otherwise)
Qualifying members were; J.Lund proposed, R.Tuplin, R.Thwaites, J.Prothero.
Golden Bird Award.
Members were asked for nominations from Council which would be discussed at the January meeting.
President Elect. (2023)
G.Carr, had nominated H.Wind.
H.Wind had since indicated he did not wish to stand.
Open Day.
To progress.
A date for Sunday 14 May 2023 was proposed.
It had still to be decided on the venue. Darlington meeting room venue or Ravensworth Hotel, Gateshead.
The Darlington meeting room venue would cost approx. £120.
After discussion it was agreed to cater for 40 members.
Start time 10.30 for 11.00.
11.00 until 13.00.
14.00 until 16.00. 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Publicity  Report. 
No further update.
K.Kime was to be contacted for an update.
G.Clark had offered to help K.Kime with the site updates.
Members were asked to contact the local Societies for updated information for inclusion in the yearbook/newsletter.
If this could be obtained for the February Council meeting, it may be possible to have the yearbook/ newsletter
Printed for April/May.
G.Pringle – asking that local society information be posted on facebook.
P.Redford showed a copy of the format for submitting reports to Cage and Aviary.
We were to contact Bruce Ross to see if he was happy for us to submit these reports.

Council Meetings 2023

Present.         D.Cairns,  P.Redford, B.Batey, K.Batey, D.Harrison,  K.Allison, D.Rowell, J.Rogers, 
Apologies.   G,Clark, I.Cooper, 
Previous minutes.
These had been circulated and were accepted as a true record. 
 Matters arising from minutes.
There were no matters arising not covered by the agenda.
  1. B.S. – Notification re receipt of payments for joint membership every two months.
  2. S.McFadden - Edinburgh B.S. – requesting N.B.S. panel for their meeting 1st August 2023.   AGREED.
Finance /Secretaries Report.
Flex Account.           7844.43.
Cash in hand.             178.16. 
          Total.           £  8022.59.
New Members;
No new members.
Speakers 2023.
Discussions were ongoing for speakers in 2023.
Confirmed to date;
March – R.Ford.     April – Y/S N/F Show.   May – Open Day.   June – C.Leask.  July – Open Show.
August – T.B.A.  September – D.Harding.  October – Auction.  November – T.B.A.  December – T.B.A.
Further names suggested were;  A.Marchant, D.Woan, R.Nawaracus, T.Luke, R.Campbell.
Under this item, P.Redford advised Council of the pro-forma report for submitting meetings/events reports to
Cage and Aviary magazine.
B.Ross had been contacted and had no problem if someone else sent the reports to C & A.
Social Secretary Report.
In the absence of a Social Secretary, this item is now covered in the general meeting report. 
Show Secretary Report.
Specialist and Rare Show 2023.
After discussion it was agreed that the Sp and Rare show date would be wk no. 37. (Sunday)
(This was the original date for the Open Show)
 Judges are N.Beevers and J.Newall.
No applications were to be made for Sp and Rare Society patronages.
Rosettes with each colour printed on the tails would be on offer.
Open Show 2023. 
After discussion it was agreed to move the date for the Open Show to the 2nd July 2023.
No applications were to be made for Sp and Rare Society patronages.
The normal rosettes for the N.B.S. would be on offer.
Judges would be;  G.Findlay, R.Staig, D.Cairns, J.Rogers.
Judging to start 10.00am.
Discussions took place on the schedule details.
Staging to be put up on morning of show.
Due to local Societies possibly changing Patronage Secretaries, we needed to contact them and advise on the N.B.S. Patronage available, and how to apply for it.
They would have to apply as per the N.B.S. Patronage rules. 
No local Society patronages were to be applied for at the N.B.S. shows.
Open Day.
To progress.
A date for Sunday 14 May 2023 was proposed.
P.Redford gave an update of venue costs for the Ravensworth Arms and the Angel Hotel, Eighton Banks.
After discussion it was agreed to make a provisional booking at the Angel Hotel.
A buffet would be provided, cost £7.95.
Tickets were to priced at £5.
After discussion it was agreed to cater for 40 members.
Start time 10.30 for 11.00 – 13.00.  Lunch 13.00 – 14.00.  14.00 – 16.00 finish.
Darlington B.S. venue was not available for our date.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Publicity  Report. 
No further update.
K.Kime was to be contacted for an update.
G.Clark had offered to help K.Kime with the site updates.
P.Redford gave an update.
Members were asked to contact the local Societies for updated information for inclusion in the yearbook/newsletter.
Anew members list was required.
It was suggested that a members welcome letter be included. 
Hopefully it could be printed for April/May.
B.Batey – advising that we only had 3 show cages left for raffle prizes.
After discussion it was agreed to order a further supply.
B.Batey – asking who to invite to judge N/F and Y/S show.  P.Watts to be invited. (A.Lovack as reserve)
K.Batey – raised the issue of a membership incentive.  After discussion this was not to be taken up.
                 11 members qualified for the 2022 incentive offer.
NEXT MEETING MONDAY 20th March 2023.

Present.         D.Cairns,  P.Redford, K.Batey, D.Harrison,  K.Allison, K,Featherstone, G.Pringle
.Apologies.   J.Lund, I.Cooper, B.Batey, G,Clark, I.Cooper, D.Rowell. G.Carr.
Previous minutes.
These had been circulated and were accepted as a true record. 
 Matters arising from minutes.
There were no matters arising not covered by the agenda.
The Secretary had received correspondence from Bowburn Community Centre re proposed room price increases.
Finance /Secretaries Report.
Flex Account.           7911.43.
Cash in hand.             371.15. 
          Total.           £ 8282.58.
New Members;
No new members.
K.Allison raised the issue of which members qualified for the incentive offered by the N.B.S. for attending meetings, and, will this continue in 2023.
K.Batey said we will need to wait until January 2023 before any list can be completed.
Initial views were that the incentive had not attracted many, if any, additional members attending.
One suggestion put forward was that the free subscription should be based on exhibiting at shows, rather than attending meetings.
A.G.M 2023. 
A discussion took place as to how the H.L.M. Certificates would be given out.
The Secretary was to write out and ask if any of the recipients would be attending the A.G.M.
Speakers 2023.
Discussions were ongoing for speakers in 2023.
R.Clements would be the speaker at the February meeting.
Social Secretary Report.
In the absence of a Social Secretary, this item is now covered in the general meeting report. 
Show Secretary Report.
Specialist and Rare Show 2023.
After discussion it was agreed that the Sp and Rare show date would be wk no. 37. (Sunday)
(This was the original date for the Open Show)
Suggested names for judges were N.Beevers and D.Critchlow.
No applications were to be made for Sp and Rare Society patronages.
Rosettes with each colour printed on the tails would be on offer.
Open Show 2023. 
After discussion it was agreed to move the date for the Open Show to the 2nd July 2023.
No applications were to be made for Sp and Rare Society patronages.
The normal rosettes for the N.B.S. would be on offer.
Judges would be;  G.Findlay, R.Staig, D.Cairns, plus one further name.
Due to local Societies possibly changing Patronage Secretaries, we needed to contact them and advise on the N.B.S. Patronage available, and how to apply for it.
They would have to apply as per the N.B.S. Patronage rules.
Honorary Life Members 2023. (members with 30 years of membership or proposed otherwise)
Qualifying members were; J.Lund proposed, R.Tuplin, R.Thwaites, J.Prothero.
Golden Bird Award.
Members were asked for nominations from Council which would be discussed at the January meeting.
President Elect. (2023)
G.Carr, had nominated H.Wind.
H.Wind had since indicated he did not wish to stand.
Open Day.
To progress.
A date for Sunday 14 May 2023 was proposed.
It had still to be decided on the venue. Darlington meeting room venue or Ravensworth Hotel, Gateshead.
The Darlington meeting room venue would cost approx. £120.
After discussion it was agreed to cater for 40 members.
Start time 10.30 for 11.00.
11.00 until 13.00.
14.00 until 16.00. 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Publicity  Report. 
No further update.
K.Kime was to be contacted for an update.
G.Clark had offered to help K.Kime with the site updates.
Members were asked to contact the local Societies for updated information for inclusion in the yearbook/newsletter.
If this could be obtained for the February Council meeting, it may be possible to have the yearbook/ newsletter
Printed for April/May.
G.Pringle – asking that local society information be posted on facebook.
P.Redford showed a copy of the format for submitting reports to Cage and Aviary.
We were to contact Bruce Ross to see if he was happy for us to submit these reports.

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