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The Budgerigar Society

Budgerigar Society Press Release – 25th August 2020

Summary from the General Council Meeting held via Zoom on Thursday 20 August 2020

2020 Young Bird Shows – Spring 2021
The Classification agreed by the GC for the 2020 Young Bird Shows staged by the Area Societies in Spring 2021 will be an Area Society Young Bird Classification for the four status sections, with 30 CC’s including pairs, teams, colour budgerigars and colour budgerigar pairs and teams.

Area Societies can add any classes they wish however, these classes will not be subject to BS Patronage. Rosettes will be provided as an Area Society Young Bird show and the Best in Show CC will be valued at 10 points. This bird will also receive a nil point Best Young Bird in Show Certificate.

It was agreed that the shows should be held in April and May 2021 to kick start the show season throughout the country. The financial package of £250 is to be used by the Area Society, if they are staging a show, as they wish.

Various established shows are already held in May and some Societies can only hold shows on either a Saturday or a Sunday because of hall commitments. It is hoped that Areas will avoid clashing with established events and particularly with neighbouring Areas to give members the chance to participate at as many shows as they can. Application to stage a 2020 Young Birds Show is to be sent to the Patronage Administrator. He will check on clashing dates and communicate with the Areas as necessary. The important date to avoid is the Society AGM on the weekend of 24th/25th April 2021 and where possible, the Specialist Societies Combined Event on 16th May 2021.

Platinum Championship Patronage Package
A letter from R Anderson providing details on his earlier suggestion of a new level of patronage above the existing Gold level called Platinum Championship Patronage and based on a previous year’s benched entry of 700 and over has been approved by the General Council. This will offer 26 Any Age CC’s pre-graded with a minimum value of 5 points, 2 Pairs nil point CC’s, 2 Team nil point CC’s and 26 Young Bird CC’s pre-graded with a minimum value of 5 points. A Best in Show Certificate with a value of 9 points, 4 Certificate of Merit, 4 Diplomas and 27 Rosettes and a Best Young Bird in Show Certificate with nil points. The one area of the package to change from the suggestion is the Best Young Bird in Show Certificate which will be for 5 points if the bird is not Best in Show. This maintains consistency with the change on BYB in Show Certificate offered for other patronage levels.

The new suggested patronage will be available for the 2021 season based on the benched entry at shows in 2019. The same safety net rules will apply to this type of patronage with the existing one year’s grace. Different colour CC’s for this type of patronage will be awarded.

Further discussions will take place on the means to incorporate this type of show into the Breeder of the Year Competition.

Pets On Shows
Show organisers are reminded that should they so choose, additional classes, over and above the standard classification may be added at your discretion at any show. This, for instance, could be for pet bird classes. Any additional classes will not be included in BS Patronage awards.

K Eatwell Research Project Funding
K Eatwell has requested funding in support of a research project to determine the vitamin D status of pet budgerigars.

After lengthy debate, which included whether the BS should get involved; what we can expect from our investment; will the research also apply to exhibition budgerigars; how long the birds would be kept; who else is funding the project; what are the test specimens to be fed on and what conditions will they be kept in and where.

As the project as detailed is complex and with many unanswered questions, the Society will go back to Mr Eatwell for more information before the GC considers whether or not to be involved financially

M Chase – rings and transparency
A follow-up letter was received from M Chase requesting details of how BS ring prices are constructed. A response to be sent to M Chase detailing the ring price structure - showing that the profits from ring sales go towards the running costs the Society.

The second point in his letter regarding the transparency around what members are requesting and how GC members are voting is already being discussed as part of the points raised by the PBS group and this would be conveyed in the response to him.

On the third point regarding the non receipt of his rings from Coditech it was noted that his rings have now arrived in an envelope from Belgium franked 06 May 2020. They had been delayed in the post by more than 3 months.

Judges Training Scheme Joining Fee
The GC agreed to abolish the BS Judges Training Scheme Joining fee with immediate effect as it was felt that the current fee of £28.50 was deterring potential judges from applying.

Colour Budgerigar and Budgerigar Pairs
Following discussion on a request that the GC reconsider the decision made on pairs in relation to Colour Budgerigars resulted in the GC agreeing that Colour Budgerigars pairs can continue to be shown in a standard BS show cage.

It was also agreed that at a future meeting, the GC will reconsider their earlier decision on changing pairs from being shown in normal cages to being exhibited in team cages.

New Ribbon for Best Young Birds of Colour
S Cox had contacted the GC saying that at Bronze and Silver Championship Shows, unless they win overall Best Of Colour (BOC), Young Bird BOC winners only get a blue spot and the number in the colour run down written on the cage label to signify their success.

The GC agreed that commencing the 2021 season, Young Bird BOC winners who had not won the overall BOC will be awarded a ribbon for “Best Young Bird of Colour”

Pet Owners Section
The subject of a Pet Owners section of the BS was discussed and it was agreed unanimously that the idea be explored further by the GC Pathway sub-group.

Date of Next Zoom Meeting
The response from the PBS group will be the subject of the next GC meeting on Thursday, 10 September 2020.

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