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NBS Constitution

 at 7.2.2016.
1. Name.
The Society shall be known as the Northern Budgerigar Society, after referred to as the N.B.S.
2. Area of benefit.
The Area boundaries shall be set out by the Parent Body, The Budgerigar Society, and in accordance with their rules. The N.B.S Area shall include; Cumbria-Darlington-County Durham-Gateshead-Hartlepool-Newcastle upon Tyne-North Tyneside, Northumberland, South Tyneside Stockton On Tees-Sunderland-Teesside.
3. Aims and Objectives.
3:a. To promote the breeding and development of the budgerigar in all our Affiliated Societies. 3:b. To protect the interests of Budgerigar Breeders and Exhibitors. 3:c. To support the exhibition of budgerigars by granting Patronage to shows and assisting them in other ways. 3:d. To assist the public generally in the objects and activities of the Society. 3:e. To assist and work in union with the Affiliated and Associated Societies within the Area. 3.f. To serve the Parent body in a closely knit Area organisation.
4. Equal Opportunities.
The N.B.S in the conduct of it's affairs, shall at all times prohibit discrimination or harassment on the grounds of Nationality, Race, Ethnicity, Gender,Sexual Orientation, Disability, Political or Religious opinion.
5. Membership.
Application for membership is open to any person having an interest in the budgerigar fancy or hobby, and who supports the aims and objectives, and abides by the Constitution. Application shall be made in writing to the Secretary accompanied by one years subscription. Should an application for membership be refused, or an existing member be excluded from the N.B.S, they will have the  right to request the reason for this action, in writing, from the Secretary. In the event of any refusal the applicants action, in writing, from the Secretary. In the event of any refusal the applicants subscription shall be returned. Successful applicants will be issued with an N.B.S Ring Code number. The N.B.S Annual Subscription shall be from 1st January to 31st December of each year. The  Annual Subscription/s are as follows; (Effective as of 1.1.2016) Single full membership £13. Life membership - 15 times the current single full membership. Partnerships, £13 each member. Both subscriptions are payable at the time of renewal. Disabled £8.  Senior Citizens. £8. (Disabled members will need to provide proof of their disability status) Related Partnerships of the same address, 1.5 times the current single full membership. Junior Member. Junior members free. (Effective 1.2.2015) A person aged between eight years and sixteen years on the 1st January. Only fully paid up members shall be allowed to compete for Society Trophies and Society Patronage Awards. Should a ring code lapse through non-renewal of membership for a period of ten years, other than by a member becoming deceased, the Society shall have the right to re-allocate that ring number. In a case of a surviving partner, the use of thee number shall continue.
NOTATION.  -- (Affiliation fee - one single full membership fee £13. Associate fee - one Senior members fee £8).
NOTATION. HONORARY LIFE MEMBER. Honorary life membership shall be considered when a member has paid 30 years of continual membership, or at the discretion of Council, or upon receipt of written notification from a member, that it is considered a member, or members, have made a significant contribution to the N.B.S.
6. Management.
The N.B.S Chairman to conduct the meetings and to have the casting vote. Discussion shall be allowed at all Open Meetings, with a one hour limit, at the discretion of the Chairman. Resolutions to be passed on to the Council for ratification. 6:a The N.B.S. Committee shall be renamed as the "N.B.S. Council", and will be responsible for all the decision making of the Area and Society. 6:b As all of the meetings would now be "Council Meetings", each Affiliated Society would be entitled to nominate a representitive of their Society to attend any Council Meetings, with full voting rights. Such member must be a fully paid up member of the N.B.S. 6:c The Secretary shall have the power to call extra Council Meetings should the need arise. (Effective 7.2.2016) 6:d The A.G.M of the Society shall take place on the first Sunday in February each year, where the Officials of the Society will be elected. Notice of the A.G.M. of the Society to be advertised or members notified not less than 7 days prior to the meeting. 6:e Nominations for N.B.S Officials and B.S. delegates to be taken at the January nominations meeting. The Officials of the N.B.S shall be elected at the A.G.M, by the members present at the meeting. Provided that a member has notified 6:f The N.B.S Council shall be composed of; President, President Elect, Chairman, Vice Chairman, Honarary Life President, Secretary/treasurer, Assistant Secretary, Social Secretary, Patronage Secretary, Minutes Secretary, Publicity Officer, Show Secretary, Retiring President, in an ex officio capacity. Also any other fully paid up member who has been duly nominated, seconded and elected by the members present at the A.G.M. 6:g All notices of motion must be received by the Secretary, Chairman, or President, no later than the start time of the nominations meeting, and be presented to the A.G.M.
(Effective 1st January 2016.) 6:h Extraordinary General Meetings shall be called by the Council upon written request by not less than 12 fully paid up members. 6:i Any alteration to these rules may only be made at the A.G.M. or Extra Ordinary General Meeting The proposed alteration/s must have the support of at least two thirds of the members present. 6:j The N.B.S Council shall have the Authority to set up sub-committees for the organisation and development of any activity considered to be for the benefit of the Society and/or the members. 6:k Members shall be presented with a copy of the Society rules and shall make themselves aquainted with all the rules of the Society for the time being in force, and shall be deemed to have full knowledge thereof at all times, and shall be bound thereby. 6:l Two tellers to take charge of any ballots for nominations. 6:m The N.B.S. Officers Honorarium shall be automatically presented at the A.G.M. for ratification/discussion and approval by the members present.
7. Finance.
7:a All monies raised and provided by/or on behalf of the N.B.S. shall be used to further the aims of the N.B.S. 7:b Bank Accounts shall be opened in both current and high interest accounts in the name of the N.B.S.
7:c There will be three named cheque signatories. All cheques to be signed by two of the signatories, and shall be approved by Council. 7:d The secretary/treasurer will be responsible for the N.B.S. financial affairs, for maintaining a record of the Accounts, and making regular reports to Council. 7:e A balance sheet and report shall be presented at the A.G.M. to the members present at that meeting. 7:f The financial year of the N.B.S. shall be from January 1st to 31st December of each year. 7:g All extraordinary items of expenditure over or equal to a single paid Life Membership fee shall be approved by the Council, A.G.M, or E.G.M, only after consideration of a minimum of three written quotes. 7:h Dissolution Clause. If the Society by a simple majority decides that it is necessary, or advisable, to dissolve the Society, it shall call a meeting of all members of the Society who are entitled to vote. At least 21 days notice of the meeting must be given. If the decision to dissolve is confirmed by a simple majority of those present, the Council shall have the power to dispose of assets held by or in the name of the organisation, provided they are given, or transferred, to some other voluntary organisation, having objects similar to those of the Society. Audited financial accounts shall be presented to the meeting. Should the accounts show a deficiency, each member shall be liable for an equal share of that deficiency. (Including Honorary Life Members.)
8. Complaints/Members Conduct. Upon receipt of any complaint against the conduct of any member, considered to be prejudicial to the interests of the N.B.S, the Council shall request the secretary to notify the member concerned of the complaint, inviting the member to state his/her case, in writing, within eight day's. Copies of all relevant statements or complaints, shall be provided for either party to consider. Should a reply be considered unsatisfactory, or no reply be received, the member shall be invited to attend a meeting of the Council to be called within 28 days. If the member fails to attend, the matter shall be dealt with in the members absence. If the Council shall be satisfied by a majority of not less than two thirds of the members present that such member has acted contrary to the interests of the N.B.S, the Secretary shall be empowered to reprimand, suspend, or request the member for his resignation, and to remove the members name from the list of resignation, and to remove the members name from the list of members forthwith.
Right of Appeal.
Any member who has been found to have acted contrary to the interests of the N.B.S, will be notified, in writing, by the Secretary of the decision taken. If a member is dissatisfied with this decision, he/she will have a right of appeal. The member shall in the first instance notify the secretary of the N.B.S, in writing, of his/her dissatisfaction, and request that the complaint be reconsidered. The N.B.S. Council will re-consider the appeal and notify the member of any decision taken. There would be no further right of appeal, and the decision taken would be final. The procedure for any complaint regarding the non adhering of show rules, as detailed by the Parent Body, The Budgerigar Society, shall be covered by this rule.
Any matters not dealt with herein, shall be dealt with by the Council as it shall deem fit

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